Sunday, March 29, 2009

Have Guides, Will Travel

You know you want to come visit Heather and me in Slovakia, so I figured I'd make it easy by putting together a few travel guides for you. OK, that's not completely honest--I just typed "Bratislava, Slovakia" into and it made one for me. For free. You can check it out here and download the PDF.

Whatever your destination, if you haven't checked out TripWolf and/or Offbeat Guides yet, you're missing out on a lot of awesome. Also visit traveldk--they don't offer guides for the breadth of destinations as the other sites, but offer very solid info nonetheless.

Of course, if you are, in fact, planning a visit to Slovakia, feel free to skip out on the travel guides altogether--Heather and I would be more than thrilled to put you up in our quirky little flat and put together an exhilerating itinerary for you. I'm just saying...


Heathe said...

Do they have a guide for Serbia? :-P